All-year Hygge Christmas Shop
386 items -
Amazing hygge gifts under £15
276 items -
Bags, wallets and purses
17 items -
18 items -
Bex's craft books
3 items -
Ceramics and glassware
73 items -
Christmas advent calendars, candles and stockings
8 items -
Christmas craft kits and baking
53 items -
Christmas decorations
183 items -
Christmas lights, candles and lanterns
54 items -
Christmas tableware, runners and napkins
67 items -
Cosy hygge knitwear
30 items -
Craft kits
49 items -
Cushions, rugs and blankets
14 items -
Danish Christmas paper crafts
20 items -
Danish paper crafts
14 items -
Danish teas, cocoa and treats
16 items -
11 items -
Games, books, craft kits and stationery
102 items -
Handmade greetings cards, craft books and stationery
18 items -
Home decor
51 items -
Homely hearts
58 items -
Hot water bottles
4 items -
Hygge candles and lighting
47 items -
Hygge gift boxes
25 items -
Hygge Handmade
121 items -
Hygge home and garden
105 items -
Hygge kitchen and dining
158 items -
Hyggestyle gift vouchers
3 items -
26 items -
Moomin gifts
7 items -
Muud Living Denmark
5 items -
Napkins, runners and tablecloths
19 items -
Norska bath and beauty
28 items -
Our favourite collections
562 items -
Outdoor Living
46 items -
Picnic and outdoor
24 items -
Scandi-style jewellery, bags and scarves
52 items -
Scandinavian ribbons
14 items -
Scarves, wraps and ponchos
8 items -
92 items -
Storage, baskets and trays
11 items -
Table games
3 items -
The Coastal Edit
35 items -
The Folklore Edit
60 items -
The Gingerbread Edit
71 items -
The Outlet
43 items -
17 items -
Wood, wire, felt and willow
41 items -
Wreaths, garlands and candle rings
31 items